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NetZero and NetZero homes do cost more to construct than conventional homes. In Austin Touchstone Buiders experience, 5 - 10% more. These homes cost more to construct because they are simply built BETTER.

Custom Home Financing Assistance

NetZero and NetZero homes do cost more to construct than conventional homes.  In ATB’s experience, 5-10% more.  These homes cost more to construct because they are simply built better.
ATB assists our clients in obtaining financing that reflects the true value of the home’s high-performance construction.  ATB facilitates the appraisal process by coordinating directly with the appraisal company.  Rather than providing the plans and engineering specifications directly with the mortgage company, ATB will hold the plans for review directly with the pre-qualified appraiser.  When contacted by the appraiser, ATB screens the appraiser to verify that they have passed the Appraisal Institute’s “Valuation of Sustainable Buildings Professional Development Program” and are listed on the programs “Residential Registry”.
Once the appraiser’s qualifications have been verified, ATB delivers to the appraiser a package of information tailored to complete the Appraisal Institute’s “Green and Efficient Appraisal Addendum”. ATB provides the appraiser with all information, testing and certifications of the home to assist the appraiser in completing the Green and Efficient Appraisal Addendum accurately and timely.
This process ensures that our clients can obtain financing that reflects the added costs and value of their high-performance home and insures that netzero and netzero ready homes are obtainable to the general public.  Once the added costs of construction are incorporated into the mortgage, the added monthly cost of the mortgage is normally less than monthly energy savings.

At Austin Touchstone Builders we are dedicated to building a better, smarter, and healthier home with high-performance building materials, better building science, and smart home technology.

ATB builds net-zero and net-zero ready, healthy, high-performing homes with a combination of ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms), Lumber, Advanced Sealants/ Water Proofing, and Whole House Air Treatment Technology.

Today’s New homes are still being built with traditional outdated building science. We as builders need to catch up with modern building technology and science.

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